Coyote Vintage

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Coyote Vintage por Mind Map: Coyote Vintage

1. Follow Us

1.1. Gives links to the various social media accounts .

1.1.1. I will use pinterest and create some boards as well as an email address for contact.

2. Coyote Vintage is a locally owned vintage retailer. Offers found and collected pieces from around the world with unique stylings and an online store

3. Personal Styling

3.1. Will use a video and google form to make a quiz and allow people to set up a time for the appointment.

4. Contact

4.1. Will have contact form

4.2. References

4.3. Mind map

5. Home

5.1. The home page has the store's logo and pictures of the shop on a slide show. Also has a short artistic video of the styling of the clothing, etc. Tabs displaying the other aspects of the website are at the top of the page.

5.1.1. I will use logos and photo editing software to create the logo for the store as well as edit the photos of the storefront. I will also use a QR on a flier to link customers to the home page of my site.

5.2. I will also add a button for my screen cast and place my business cards with QR code.

6. About

6.1. Gives a history of the owners and how they came about opening a business. Also gives overview of their vendors and how they come about finding unique clothing.

6.1.1. I will use an infograph to tell about our site and how we get out pieces. I will also make a video of a personal styling tips.