Courtney's Bookshelf

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Courtney's Bookshelf por Mind Map: Courtney's Bookshelf

1. To Reads

1.1. This tab will be for all the books I want to read

2. Top Authors

2.1. This tab will highlight some of my favorite authors, and just authors who wrote some amazing books that I happen to think everyone should read.

3. Which Was Better: Movie or Book

3.1. This tab will do a comparison between books that were turned into movies, and I will go in detail about why the book or movie was better.

4. Currently Reading

4.1. I think it'd be really cool to let viewers know what I'm currently reading, and when I finish I'll post a review of it to the blog page.

5. Blog

5.1. This is where I will post book reviews/news to the site.

6. Home

6.1. The home page will introduce the audience to what this page is about, as well as keep them interested in the topic. Pictures will let viewers know what the theme of this website is about, and this is also where the different tabs will be located.

7. About

7.1. This page will be all about me and why I decided to create this specific website.

8. Contact

8.1. This is where viewers will find the information to contact me if they have any questions/comments about the site.