Training a rescue dog

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Training a rescue dog por Mind Map: Training a rescue dog

1. training programs

1.1. pet smart

1.2. how much do they cost?

1.3. pet co

1.4. cold creek dog training

2. difference between rescue puppies and rescue dogs

2.1. puppies: not potty trained

2.2. puppies: hyper

2.3. dogs: calmer

2.4. dogs: easier to train

3. issues with rescue dogs

3.1. are they potty trained?

3.2. do they know their name?

3.3. behavioral problems

3.4. anxiety problems

4. shelters vs. homes

4.1. in kennels all of the time at shelters

4.2. have a family at home

4.3. gets lots of love at home

4.4. shelters: lots of noise and dogs