Comienza Ya. Es Gratis
ó regístrate con tu dirección de correo electrónico
Ongoing ME por Mind Map: Ongoing ME

1. Enjoy the teenage life with my close friends

1.1. Movies

1.1.1. Cinema

1.1.2. or maybe Enjoy these at home

1.2. Music

1.3. STUDY with them

2. Enjoy the rest of my life with the special someone

2.1. Avoid arguments

2.2. Study with that someone

2.3. Work with that someone

2.3.1. Computer-related works

2.3.2. Engineering

3. Save money

3.1. to enjoy it with barkada

3.2. for TRAVEL

3.3. for my WANTS

3.4. for emergency necessities

4. help my siblings study till they graduate

5. make friends

5.1. collaborative works with them

5.1.1. business!

6. Study Senior High School

6.1. Science and Technology, Engineering, Mathematics

6.1.1. Engineering Take BS EcE at Technological University of the Philippines Graduate College

6.1.2. Science and Technology Science Research Work for Microsoft Make the nature-friendly materials