Myah's Map of Choices

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Myah's Map of Choices por Mind Map: Myah's Map of Choices

1. Graphic Designer

1.1. Might not always be passionate about designing

1.2. Would probably get bored

1.3. My aunt would be able to help me since she is also a graphic designer

1.4. I can do work without working for a company

1.5. I will be able to work from home

2. Artist

2.1. Chance of extremely bad paid

2.2. might run out of ideas

2.3. want to have a academic career

2.4. Hard to find work

2.5. Will probably have to get another job to compensate

3. Museum Curator

3.1. Can have first-hand access to amazing artifacts

3.2. Learn new things all the time

3.3. Get to work with what interests me: Art, ancient artifacts

4. Archeologist

4.1. My interest in Ancient Egypt

4.2. get to travel

4.3. Downside: time away from family

4.4. might go through dry patches (not be able to find anything)

5. Criminologist for an organization like the CIA

5.1. Want to be able to understand why criminals are the way they are

5.2. Downside: could be dangerous

5.3. Mother was in police force and warned me not to do the same

5.4. not be able to have a normal life and live in secrecy

5.5. would be able to catch the bad guys (make the world a better place).

5.6. pay isn't very good

5.7. no previous experience being around or dealing with crime

6. Psychologist

6.1. Want to be able to understand people on an intricate level

6.2. Inspired by psychologist on BONES

6.3. I would be able to help people with issues

6.4. Might be able to eventually open up my own practice

6.5. Good pay

6.6. get the title of Dr.

7. Preschool Teacher

7.1. Get to be around little kids all day

7.2. Able to watch young minds develop and flourish

7.3. Won't get paid very much

7.4. My schedule won't be too busy

7.5. I will create an attachment to my job

7.6. Could be hard to find work depending on where I end up living