Taylor's Map of Choices

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Taylor's Map of Choices por Mind Map: Taylor's Map of Choices

1. Elementary school teacher

1.1. I have always loved little children

1.2. Teaching looks like it would be fun

1.3. I am good with children

1.4. I am okay at keeping my patience

1.5. Creative

1.6. People person

2. Veterinarian

2.1. I love animals

2.2. Everyday is different

2.3. I would feel good knowing I'm helping

2.4. Over the summer i did an internship for a few days at an animal hospital in Cayman

2.5. Pays well

3. Physiotherapist

3.1. I used to go to physio and it seemed really cool what they do

3.2. I'm really interested in the human body

3.3. But i'm bad at bio

3.4. Can help people who are hurting

4. Surgeon

4.1. I watched Greys anatomy and it seemed really interesting

4.2. I realized that all of it is fake and it's a lot more bloody in person

4.3. Long work hours

4.4. Interesting work

4.4.1. Can save someones life

4.4.2. Can alter someones life

5. Event coordinator

5.1. I enjoy helping my mom set up for parties at our house

5.2. My godmother does this and it look like fun

5.3. I organized a surprise party for my friend and the whole experience was a lot of fun

5.4. Work is fun