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1. Why use Bioinformatics

1.1. Catalogue and retrieval of data

1.2. Opportunities for new insights into health and disease

1.3. Data mining

1.4. Discover phylogenetic relationship

1.5. Discover evolutionary pattern

2. Example of biological data

2.1. DNA Chip

2.2. Microarray

2.3. Gene Expression


3.1. An applied science

3.2. Merge between Biology and Computer Technology

3.3. Gather, store and analyze data

3.4. Represent data efficiently

3.5. Create a global perspective

4. What is done

4.1. Analysis and interpretation of various biological data

4.1.1. Nucleotide

4.1.2. Amino Acid

4.2. Development of new algorithms and statistics

4.2.1. Assess biological data

4.3. Development and implementation of tools

4.3.1. Efficient assess of data

4.3.2. Manage different types of data

5. Where is it used

5.1. Metabolic Pathways

5.1.1. Cell functions carried out by coordinated activity of gene and products.

5.1.2. Interaction of 1000 genes and products

5.1.3. High throughput genomic data

5.2. Regulatory Network

5.2.1. Gene interaction that controls specific cell function

5.2.2. Interaction of regulatory protein