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DISC Styles por Mind Map: DISC Styles

1. Dominant Driver (Active style ) Task oriented

1.1. General Characteristics

1.1.1. Direct and Decisive

1.1.2. High ego

1.1.3. Strong and High ego

1.1.4. Risk taker

1.1.5. Self starter

1.2. Value To Team

1.2.1. Bottom line organiser

1.2.2. Places high value on time

1.2.3. Challenges status quo

1.2.4. Innovative

1.3. Possible Weaknesses

1.3.1. Oversteps authority

1.3.2. Argumentative attitude

1.3.3. Dislikes routine

1.3.4. Attempts too much

1.4. Greatest Fear

1.4.1. Being taken advantage of

2. Influencing Inspiring(Active style People Oriented.)

2.1. General Characteristics

2.1.1. Enthusiastic

2.1.2. Trusting

2.1.3. Optimistic

2.1.4. Persuasive

2.1.5. Talkative

2.1.6. Impulsive

2.1.7. Emotional

2.2. Value to team

2.2.1. Creative problem solver

2.2.2. Great encouragement to team

2.2.3. Motivates others

2.2.4. Positive sense of humor

2.2.5. Negotiates conflicts

2.2.6. Peace Maker

2.3. Possible weaknesses

2.3.1. More concerned with popularity than tangible results

2.3.2. Inattentive to details

2.3.3. Over uses gestures and facial expressions

2.3.4. Tends to listen only when its convinient

2.4. Greatest fear

2.4.1. Rejection

3. Complaint - Correct (Passive Style Task Oriented)

3.1. General Characteristics

3.1.1. Accurate

3.1.2. Analytical

3.1.3. Careful

3.1.4. Precise

3.1.5. Fact Finder

3.1.6. Systematic

3.2. Value to Team

3.2.1. Thorough in All activities

3.2.2. Concious and even tempered

3.3. Possible Weakness

3.3.1. Bound by policies and methods

3.3.2. Gets into details of things

3.3.3. Prefers not to verbalise feelings

3.3.4. Will give in than argue

3.4. Greatest Fear

3.4.1. Criticism

4. Stable Steady (Passive Style Task oriented )

4.1. General Characteristics

4.1.1. Good Listener-Team Player

4.1.2. Possessive

4.1.3. Steady

4.1.4. Predictable

4.1.5. Understanding and Friendly

4.2. Value to the team

4.2.1. Reliable and dependable

4.2.2. Loyal team member

4.2.3. Complaint towards authority

4.2.4. Good listener

4.2.5. Patient and empathetic

4.2.6. Good at resolving conflicts

4.3. Possible Weakness

4.3.1. Resists change

4.3.2. Takes long time to adjust to change

4.3.3. Sensitive to criticism

4.3.4. Difficulty in setting priority

4.4. Greatest Fear

4.4.1. Loss of security