Online Health Diagnosis

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Online Health Diagnosis por Mind Map: Online Health Diagnosis

1. Pros

1.1. People in remote locations have access to info

1.2. Patients can research symptoms=prepare them for what to expect

1.3. Previously diagnosed patients can learn more about their illnesses

1.4. Allows people to learn more about what to do in certain situations.

2. Health care cost

2.1. People unable to afford health care

2.2. research symptoms before to avoid the cost

3. Cyberchondira

3.1. Self Diagnose = Medical anxiety

3.2. Frustrating and difficult on practitioners

3.3. People who are really gullible are more likely to believe everything they read

4. Cons

4.1. self diagnosing= stress and medical anxiety

4.2. may not take info seriously

4.3. reluctance to see/believe professionsals

4.4. treat themself for wrong illness