The European Revolutions of 1848

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The European Revolutions of 1848 por Mind Map: The European Revolutions of 1848

1. Over 50 countries participated with no coordination

2. Hungary was forced by the Magyars to be more socialistic.

3. Italy 1848

3.1. Pope Pius was Progressive

3.2. The Papal was increasingly Established

3.3. Most of the Peninsula was under Austrian Rule

3.4. 1848 61 people were seriously injured in Tobacco riots in Milan

3.5. Taxes were the cause of Milanese Discontent

3.6. Austria Didn't Recognize Italy, while Italy wanted to be recognized

3.7. Sicily created it's own constitution

3.8. outbreaks in Vienna and Milan

3.9. Raditzky, Austrian Commander -

4. Germany and Central Europe

4.1. Black red and gold colors synonymous for being revolutionary

4.2. German Confederation and Diet .

4.3. March 8th the Constitution needed fixing

4.4. Creation of Vorparliment

4.5. German National Assembly - 600 delegates

5. The revolutions eliminated the old feudal structures and created for independent nations.

6. The revolution started in France

6.1. February 26th A group of Socialists gathered in front of the Hotel Deville and Protested.

6.2. News traveled

7. The French Revolution

7.1. The authorities banned a banquet held by the liberals

7.2. February 26th is the destruction of the monarchy

7.3. Creation of a French Provisional Government

7.4. Proclamation of the Freedom of Speech, Association and Assembly were Proclaimed.

7.5. Several Radical Political Prisoners were released

7.6. Alphonse De Martia was the New Foreign Minister and held great power and appointed diplomats.

7.7. National Workshops System.

7.8. The stage is set for French Conservatism and Parisian Radicalism