You Shouldn't Help Your Children With Their Homework

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You Shouldn't Help Your Children With Their Homework por Mind Map: You Shouldn't Help Your Children With Their Homework

1. Sometimes the kids might need help, but kids should go to a teacher because they are a more reliable source.

2. The Parent might not know the material

2.1. “We need to do away with the assumption that anything parents do will help. That assumes that parents have all the answers, and parents do not have all the answers,”(A. Pawlowski 1)

3. Parents do Most of the Work

3.1. "Three hours later, Emily’s dad had created a dazzling work of art. It wasn’t surprising that Emily got an A."(Should Parents Help with Homework? 20)

4. Kids learn less

4.1. 'A ground breaking study published last January by two university professors showed that children's standerdised test grade went down." (Should Parents Help Kids with Homework? 21)