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1. Group 2

1.1. Australian Animals

1.2. Where people are born

1.3. Heirlooms throughout families

1.3.1. Recipes

1.3.2. Jewelery

1.3.3. Stories and traditions Indigenous culture

2. Group 3

2.1. something you inherit (for example from your parents or grandparents when they die)

2.2. passing down a way of living and family/cultural traditions

2.3. experiences

2.4. religion, beliefs and values

2.5. history

2.6. landscape

2.7. music

3. Group 4

3.1. Your Background

3.2. ethnicity

3.3. family traditions

3.4. family tree

3.5. beliefs, values, attitudes

3.6. food

4. Group 5

4.1. where you come from

4.2. Peoples family backgrounds

4.3. you parents, grandparents

4.4. culture

5. Group 1

5.1. A place where you come from

5.2. Nationality

5.2.1. Ancestors

5.3. Heritage

5.4. Family