How do Trump's actions towards women affect the manifestation of feminism during the year 2016?

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How do Trump's actions towards women affect the manifestation of feminism during the year 2016? por Mind Map: How do Trump's actions towards women affect the manifestation of feminism during the year 2016?

1. What are the consequences?

1.1. Feminists unite together

1.2. Women's rights get a massive backlog

1.3. Trump loses his presidency

1.4. Critique from countries around the world

1.5. Rally's from feminists

2. Key Concepts

2.1. How Feminism was portrayed in the past

2.2. How feminism aligns with Trump's Presidency

2.3. How his agenda affected feminism in the United States

3. Limitations of the Research

3.1. The novelty of the topic

3.2. Time (eight weeks)

3.3. Sources for this kind of topic

3.4. Secondary research

4. Who are the stakeholders?

4.1. Readers

4.2. Feminist activism groups

4.3. Donald Trump and his team

4.4. Media

4.5. Press agencies

4.6. Government

4.7. Women and Men

5. Key Findings

5.1. The definition of feminism

5.2. Waves of feminism in the United States

5.3. The new feminism wave

5.4. Trump's remarks about women

5.5. Trump's laws and opinions

5.5.1. Women's Health

5.5.2. Abortion

5.6. The effects that Donald Trumps actions had on women

5.6.1. Religions and National Security

5.7. Reproductive Health program

5.7.1. Immigration agenda

5.7.2. Women in career

5.8. The women's march

5.8.1. How did it start?

5.8.2. The organization