Alvin's Teenage Years

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Alvin's Teenage Years por Mind Map: Alvin's Teenage Years

1. Poor grades affects self esteem and results in anti social behavior in school

2. Behaviour Changes


4. Family Photo

5. Starts showing attraction for boys

6. AGE 14

7. Beginning to portray rebellious behavior to parents

8. AGE 12

9. starts to identify myself with peers around my age and starts to separate from parents

10. begin to actively participate in school extra curriculum activities like sports and music

11. AGE 15

12. First realization of own sexuality and become aware of my disinterest when girls started asking me for dates

13. Started develop a desire to be popular in school and to be included in activities

14. Neglected studies due to excessive extra curriculum activities and lack of discipline

15. AGE 16 -18

16. started finding comfort in computer games and become addicted

17. Lack of communication with family

18. AGE 19 - 21

19. National Service years filled with emotional stress of trying to fit in and finding a sense of purpose in life.

20. Father was ill and passed away when I was 17 years old, had issues reconciling with past emotions and was unable to make peace, resulting in further stress and conflict with family.

21. Physical Changes

22. AGE 9

23. AGE 12

24. Testicular/penile growth

25. Voice changes and become deeper

26. Signs of Pubic hair appears

27. Nocturnal emissions & growth spurt

28. AGE 15

29. Calves and Quadriceps muscles developed quickly as I took an interest in track & field and jogging

30. AGE 19

31. Started gaining muscles and getting body tone due to national service