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Week 1/2 por Mind Map: Week 1/2

1. Variables

1.1. E.g. int age, string name, double weight

1.2. Used to remember stuff

1.3. Stored short-term memory

1.4. Only exist within the current method

2. Methods

2.1. Coded to do things

2.2. Each program must contain a main method, which is static, for the program to run

2.2.1. E.g. public static void Main()

2.3. Describes one task the object or class can perform

2.4. Each method should contain a small amount of tasks

2.5. Bigger methods are broken down into smaller parts

2.6. Public method

2.6.1. Accessible by other methods

2.7. Private method

2.7.1. Can only be accessed by code in the same class

2.8. Void indicates the method will not return a value

2.9. Must code a return statement at the end of a method

3. Constructors

3.1. Initialise an object when it is created

3.2. Able to add parameters to a constructor to allow the caller to provide values

3.3. Default constructors

3.3.1. Have no parameters that initialise an objects default values

4. Statements

4.1. Variable Declaration

4.1.1. Used to create a variable to remember something later

4.2. Assignment Statement

4.2.1. Stores a value in a variable

4.3. Method Call

4.3.1. Gets the object to run instructions within called method

4.3.2. Expression A calculated value

4.3.3. Sequence The order in which the program will run

5. Parameters

5.1. These are things you pass in to let the function do whatever it was designed to do

5.2. Special variable within a method to allow the caller to pass values into it

5.3. public int Add(int x, int y) { return x + y; } int a = 5; int b = 5; int sum = Add(a, b);

6. Properties

6.1. Must be declared within a class

6.2. Combination of two methods, one to get the value, the other, to set the value

6.2.1. private string name; public string Name { get { return; } set { = value; } }

6.3. Can be read-only if there is only a get accessor

6.4. Can be read only if there is only a set accessor

7. Artefacts

7.1. Code that is declared (created).

7.1.1. Compiler (msys) must be able to find declared code.

8. Actions

8.1. Instructions that command the computer to perform an action.

8.1.1. e.g. Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");

9. Terminology

9.1. Understanding the meaning and names of concepts specific to programming languages.

10. Objects

10.1. Main programming artefacts

10.2. Each object plays a role in the program

11. Classes

11.1. Created to define the objects role

12. Encapsulation

12.1. Condition of being enclosed

12.2. What is contained within the object, including public and private members

12.3. Public members on the public interface, private members hidden within

12.4. Allows the object to have an identity, no encapsulation is the same.

13. Abstraction

13.1. Taking the essence of something to create a representation of that thing.

13.2. A good abstraction is true to the thing you are trying to represent

13.3. The process of focusing on key aspects