Learning Theories and Practices

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Learning Theories and Practices por Mind Map: Learning Theories and Practices

1. scaffolding of ideas, incorporating new ideas and prior knowledge to create new meaning, learning is relevant to real world complexities, student-centered, experiential learning, critical thinking and problem solving

2. Constructivism

2.1. Dewey, Bruner, Vygotsky, Papert

2.2. authentic assessment. student directed, portfolios, journal writing, teamwork, reflectiion

3. Connectivism

3.1. Siemens, Downes

3.2. theory or pedagogical view for digital age, social learning that is networked, considering worldwide perspectives, focus groups with common goal,

3.3. Transformational instructional methods,

4. Threshold Concepts

4.1. Meyer, Land

4.2. transformative, troublesome, irreversible, integratiive, bounded, discursive, reconstitutive, liminality

5. Surface Learning

6. Deep Learning

7. Social Transformation

8. Social Learning

8.1. Bandura, Vygotsky, Zimmerman, Shunk

8.2. bridge between behaviorist theory and cognitivist theory, mediated, behavior is learned from observational learning, attention, retention, reproduction, motivation, reward

8.3. peer coaching, modeled behavior, real-play, simulations, group projects, group activities

9. Social Reproduction

10. Troublesome Learning

11. differentiated instruction, making connections to personal experiences, group assignments, open-ended discussions

12. Behaviorism

12.1. Pavlov, Watson, Thorndike, Skinner

12.2. stimulus-response, classic conditioning, Operant conditioning, positive and negative reinforcement, observable and measurable

12.3. rote learning, recalling facts, drill and practice exercises, lectures, multiple choice tests, learners are passive

13. Humanism

13.1. Maslow, Rogers, Bugental

13.2. Hierarchy of needs, self concept, free will, making personal connections, learning focuses on human development and personal growth

14. Cognitivism

14.1. Piaget, Gagne, Vygotsky

14.2. information is brought in, processed, and put into memory; schema may be combined, altered, or extended to process new information

15. Communities of Practice

16. Procrastination

17. Habits

18. Situated Learning