TEL Participants

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TEL Participants por Mind Map: TEL Participants

1. Artificial insemination & Reproduction

2. Gina Tan

2.1. Health Assessment

2.1.1. Introduction to health Assessmrnt

2.1.2. Components of Health Assessment Inspection Palpation Percussion Ascultation

2.1.3. Health Assessment to body parts Heart Lungs Lymphatic system and neck vessel

3. Wes

3.1. Python Programming

3.1.1. Basic data types

3.1.2. Conditional statements

4. Celest

4.1. Singapore and World Issues

4.1.1. Ageism

4.1.2. Racism

4.1.3. Islamophobia

5. Pedro

5.1. Animal Husbandry & Breeding

5.1.1. Production & Management of Cattle

5.1.2. Vaccination

5.1.3. Exotic small mammal care & Husbandry

6. Rajes

6.1. Nursing Science

6.1.1. Neurological Diseases

6.1.2. Reproductive Diseases

6.1.3. Endocrine Diseases

6.2. Fundamental of Nursing

6.2.1. Nursing Care Plan

6.2.2. Assessment

6.2.3. Diagnosis

6.2.4. Planning

6.2.5. Implementation

6.2.6. Evaluation

7. Michelle

8. Lalitha

8.1. Intro to Tamil Language

9. Fiona

9.1. Language Development Theories

9.1.1. Innatist Theory

9.1.2. Maturational Theory

9.1.3. Constructivist Theory

9.1.4. Cognitive-Transactional and Interactionist Theory

9.1.5. Behaviorist Theory

10. Kiat Wee

10.1. Ophthalmic Dispensing & Prescribing

10.1.1. Progressive lens

10.1.2. Bifocal lens

10.1.3. Frame and lens dispensing

11. Nazrin

11.1. Gerontology Nursing

11.1.1. Elderly Care Resources

11.2. Community Nursing

11.2.1. Primary health care for singaporeans

12. Farzeeda

13. Perspectives of Classroom Management (CM)

13.1. CM as System

13.2. CM as Instruction

14. CM as Discipline

15. Preetam Rai

15.1. The Art of Infographics

15.1.1. Information Design

15.1.2. Sketching Tools

15.1.3. Online Infographic Tools

16. Dorris Lee

16.1. Lower Limps Ulceration Wounds

16.1.1. Arterial insufficiency ulcer

16.1.2. Venous insufficiency ulcer

16.1.3. Mixed arterial and venous ulcer

17. Simon

17.1. Process Control and Instrumentation

17.1.1. Intro

17.1.2. Laplace

17.1.3. Modelling

17.1.4. First Order

18. haifeng

18.1. NSL3.1

18.2. NS2

19. Darseni

20. Yee Wen

20.1. Pharmacology

20.1.1. Drugs used in Perioperative Care

20.1.2. Drugs used in Emergency Care Resuscitation Drugs Drug Calculations

20.1.3. Drugs for Hypertensive Crisis

20.1.4. Drugs used in Acute Coronary Syndromes Acute Myocardial Infarction Unstable Angina

21. Bharathi

22. Fundamentals of writing and presenting

23. Mei Ling

24. Ways to do integral, non-integral citation and APA references.

25. Yanyan

25.1. Child Health, Nurtirtion and Socio-emotional wellbeing

25.1.1. Balanced Diet

25.1.2. Creating a Safe Environment

25.1.3. Common Childhood Illness and Infectious Diseases

25.1.4. Hygiene and Good Practices

25.1.5. Child Abuse - Symptoms and Management

25.1.6. Stress and Coping with it

25.2. Practicum

25.2.1. Transitions and Routine Care

25.2.2. Developmentally Appropriate Practices

25.2.3. Code of Ethics

25.2.4. Observational Tools and Records

26. FON