Sustaining & Growth

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Sustaining & Growth por Mind Map: Sustaining & Growth

1. Future goals & Perceived capability to achieve.

2. Develop new market, accepting the risk, develop new products when firm does not have internal capability, to maintain market position, perhaps gaining economies of scale

3. A personal approach to the entrepreneurial process

3.1. Imagination, initiative, innovating and motivating attitude.

4. Building and Adaptive organization

4.1. Goods and services demand and supply are match and related between one another.

4.1.1. .

5. Create a Sense of Urgency

5.1. Sustainable innovation and change. Urgency in this context refers to a compelling sense that organizational survival depends on change.

6. The entrepreneurial mindset

7. External corporate venturing

7.1. To obtain external sources of finance & Facilitates innovation & knowledge transfer

8. Beware of the "dark side" of entrepreneurship.

8.1. The confrontation of risk, entrepreneurial stress, entrepreneurial ego.

9. Strategic Acqusitions