Domestic Violence; Mental Health Effects and How to Support a Victim

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Domestic Violence; Mental Health Effects and How to Support a Victim por Mind Map: Domestic Violence; Mental Health Effects and How to Support a Victim

1. How Do I Support a Domestic Violence Victim During Abuse?

1.1. Validate their feelings

1.2. Report suspected abuse

1.3. Be Supportive

1.4. Be non-judgemental

1.5. Encourage them to be active in activities outside the home

1.6. Help them develop a safety plan

1.7. Encourage them to talk to those who can help and provide guidance

2. What are the Mental Health Effects of Domestic Violence?

2.1. Depression

2.1.1. Feelings of worthlessness

2.1.2. Isolation Friends and family Codependency

2.1.3. Lack of control over own life

2.1.4. Grief Loss of a relationship Life changes

2.1.5. Lack of self confidence Feeling that they can't make it alone Feeling unworthy of a better life Questions own values, beliefs and sanity

2.2. Anxiety

2.2.1. Fear of future

2.2.2. Uncertainty about future

2.2.3. Being alone

2.2.4. Fear of being found by assailiant

2.2.5. Fear for safety

2.2.6. Threats

2.2.7. Heart palpitations

2.3. PTSD

2.3.1. Severe Depression

2.3.2. Nightmares

2.3.3. Paranoia

2.3.4. Intrusive Recall Overwhelming Flashbacks Severe Anxiety

2.3.5. Hypervigilence Exaggerated response to potential threats

2.4. Isolation

2.4.1. From friends and family

2.4.2. Trouble trusting others

2.4.3. Codependency

3. How Do I Support a Domestic Violence Survivor; After They Break Free?

3.1. Listen and validate their feelings

3.2. Believe

3.3. Ask how you can help

3.4. Respect boundaries

3.5. Empower

3.6. Share resources

3.7. Accompany the survivor to get help

3.8. Reassure the survivor they are not at fault

3.9. Hold abusers accountable for their actions