St. John Paul II

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St. John Paul II por Mind Map: St. John Paul II

1. PBL/Pillars of HS Redesign

1.1. Personalization (HSR Pillar)

1.2. Bringing curriculum alive with relevance and cross-curricular explorations

1.3. Collaboration

2. Pods/Families/Colleges

2.1. Welcoming, Caring, Respectful and Safe (HSR Pillar)

2.2. Meaningful Relationships (HSR Pillar)

2.3. Small groups are what is best for students, it's a way to teach the whole child

2.4. Opportunities for French Immersion students to experience French culture with ways to meet and mix with other students

2.5. Would need a French Immersion administrator

3. Challenges

3.1. Staffing

3.1.1. need flexible, professional, personable teachers invested in authentic assessment practices and committed to implementation of new research through the collaborative process

3.2. Exciting the public to receive an innovative educational concept

3.3. building a cohesive, high functioning faculty

4. Research Driven Programming

4.1. Fullan

4.2. DuFour (Mission, Vision, Values, Goals)

4.3. Marzano

4.4. Tomlinson

5. Vision: Faith filled learning community

6. Community

6.1. Vinyl Cafe

6.2. Social Media

6.3. Lion's Learning Centre

6.4. Home & Community Involvement (HSR Pillar)

6.5. go out into the community and invite the community in

7. Curriculum

7.1. Perceived as a whole rather than segmented pieces. This includes scheduling.

7.2. Assessment (HSR Pillar)

7.3. Rigourous & Relevant (HSR Pillar)

8. Physical Space

8.1. We are the Church

8.1.1. permeation of faith

8.2. Multi-use/Flexible Spaces (HSR Pillar)

8.3. uncluttered, learning centered spaces

8.4. calming atmoshpere

9. PLCs

9.1. Instructional Coaching

9.2. Content Coaching

9.3. Cognitive Coaching

9.4. Establish a collaborative learning culture