Knowledge Representation

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Knowledge Representation por Mind Map: Knowledge Representation

1. Definition

1.1. A medium of human expresion

1.2. A set of ontological commitments

1.2.1. Nuevo nodo

1.3. A medium of efficient computation

1.4. A fragmentary theory of Intelligent Reasoning

2. Problems

2.1. Spreading Activation

2.2. Subsumption

2.3. Classification

3. Representation Techniques

3.1. Frames

3.2. Rules

3.3. Tagging

3.4. Semantic Networks

4. Topics

4.1. Language and Notation

4.1.1. Human language

4.2. Ontology language

4.2.1. Concepts

4.3. Links and structure

4.3.1. Tree

4.3.2. Graphs

4.3.3. Hypergraphs

4.3.4. Truth Tables

4.4. Notation

4.4.1. Extensive Markup Language (XML)

4.5. Storage and manipulation

4.5.1. Expert System

4.5.2. Machine Translation Systems

4.5.3. Computer aided maintenance

4.5.4. Information Retrieval System