Mobile Apps for Education

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Mobile Apps for Education por Mind Map: Mobile Apps for Education

1. Classroom Managment

1.1. CLASS DOJO One of the more popular programs for classroom management, Class Dojo

1.2. PBIS REWARDS Our school uses PBIS as its behavior management program. Although this app goes more in depth than we do, it has some interesting features, such as being able to track students' points through a bar code or QR code assigned to the student. It sounds like it is more app- ropriate for Tier 2 students who need more structure, but I can see it being used in the classroom, especially when students are so motivated by techno- ogy.

2. Get Up and Move

2.1. LET'S DANCE! FOR KIDS This app has several songs that are popular songs that children will recognize and love to dance along with the video.

2.2. ADVENTURE TO FITNESS This site has 30 minute (or shorter if you like) videos that show kids different of the world while doing moderately physical exer- cise with the leader.

3. Communication

3.1. TWITTER One of the more popular social media sites, having a professional Twitter account could be a useful tool for maintaining communication with my students' parents.

3.2. REMIND Remind is an easy way to stay in touch with parents over text mess- aging without having to share your phone number or other information you'd rather keep confidential.

4. Instructional

4.1. iTOOCH Made for iPhones and iPads, iTooch is a large database of exercises in math, ELA, and science. It is divided into grade levels, and is learning through games.

4.2. QUIZZLET This app is great for digital flashcards. There are already thousands of sets in different categories, but I could make some specifically for my stud- ents and share it with them.

5. Professional

5.1. Edmodo Brought up several times in this class, Edmodo is a social network designed for teachers to collaborate and get ideas from other teachers.

5.2. TED TALKS While education videos are only a small portion of TED Talks, some of the professional develop- ment videos for teachers can be very helpful and inspiring.

6. Organization

6.1. TEACHERKIT This is an organizational tool for teachers--an all- in-one site to organize students, take attendance, stay in touch with parents, track behavior issues, and much more...

6.2. EVERNOTE Another tool for keeping the teacher life organized, this offers more than TeacherKit. It has a built- in camera, gives the ability to write and capture ideas and organize receipts. Not necessarily an education app, but it seems very handy for teachers anyway.