Learning Theories

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Learning Theories por Mind Map: Learning Theories

1. eLearning (Richard E. Mayer and Roxana Moreno)

1.1. Dual Channel

1.2. Limited Capacity

1.3. Active Processing

2. Online Collaborative Learning (Harasim )

2.1. a learner works in a group and constructs knowledge

2.2. a learner is active and engaged

2.3. development of academic knowledge

2.4. Conditions for deep learning

2.5. idea generating

2.6. idea organising

2.7. intellectual convergence

3. Surface learning

4. Deep learning

5. Instructional Methods

5.1. keep a learner active

5.2. apply knowledge in a real life

5.3. collaborative and cooperative learning

5.4. give control of the learning process

5.5. give time to reflect

6. Instructional Methods

6.1. vary material for different learning styles (colour, graphics, video, images, etc.)

6.2. include strategies that facilitate maximum sensation

6.3. activate existing knowledge

6.4. chunk information to prevent overload

7. Objectivists theories

7.1. Behaviorism (B. Skinner)

7.1.1. alearner transmits knowledge to a learner

7.1.2. a learner neither interprets not contextualizes knowledge

7.2. Cognitivism (R. Gagne)

7.2.1. a learner assimilates new information to existing knowledge

7.2.2. a learner makes modifications to existing intellectual frameowrk

7.3. Paul and Elder's Model of critical thinking

8. Constructivists theories

8.1. Constructivism (J.Dewy, M. Montessori, J.Piaget)

8.1.1. a learner constructs knowledge by observing processing, interpreting and personalizing information

8.1.2. a learner engages in problem-solving experience

8.1.3. a learner is the centre of the learning process

9. Instructional Methods

9.1. explicit outcomes

9.2. assessments to confirm achievements of learning objectives

9.3. sequencing of materials

9.4. appropriate feedback

10. Motivation theories

10.1. ARCS Model of Motivational Design (Keller)

10.1.1. Attention

10.1.2. Relevance

10.1.3. Confidence

10.1.4. Satisfaction


10.2.1. Competence

10.2.2. Relatedness

10.2.3. Autonomy

10.2.4. Intrinsic

10.2.5. extrinsic


10.3.1. approriate task results inimmersion and concentrated focus on a task