Mobile Apps for Early Childhood Education

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Mobile Apps for Early Childhood Education por Mind Map: Mobile Apps for Early Childhood Education

1. Math

1.1. Kids Math

1.1.1. This app is focused for grades k-5 and teaches a variety of math skills by playing games.

1.2. Counting Caterpillar

1.2.1. Allows students to learn basic number sense. Teaches numbers 1-100 with a focus on numbers 1-10 on level 1, and allows kids to move up a level of 10 until they get to 100.

1.3. Monkey Math

1.3.1. Monkey Math has many games that teach sequencing, patterns, adding and subtracting. There are many of the "Monkey Apps" that are all educational.

2. Literacy

2.1. Starfall ABCs

2.1.1. This App allows students to learn their letters and sounds focusing on one letter at a time. There are also other games to help increase their knowledge.

2.2. BOB Books

2.2.1. Allows students to learn letters and sounds. Students are able to practice segmenting and blending. This helps students learn to sound out simple words and read.

2.3. PBS Kids

2.3.1. PBS Kids has many apps that help teach children literacy skills.

3. Assessments

3.1. Kahoot

3.1.1. Game Based quiz program. Students think that they are playing a game, not taking a quiz.

3.2. Quizizz

3.2.1. Game based program that assesses students while they are playing a game. They compete to be at the top f the scoreboard. Students are given immediate feedback.

4. Parent Communication

4.1. SeeSaw

4.1.1. Student Driven Digital Portfolios that can be used to hold all information about a student including test, assignments and pictures.

4.2. Class DoJo

4.2.1. A program where the teacher can give point for student behavior. Parents can see the behavior points and receive messages from the teacher.

4.3. Facebook

4.3.1. Facebook can be used to connect with parents by making a facebook classroom page. Teacher can use facebook to inform parents of upcoming assignments, classroom news and pictures of the students.

4.4. Twitter

4.4.1. A classroom twitter handle can be used to share classroom ideas. Teachers can also tweet ideas and assignments to the students/ parents.