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Unit 9 por Mind Map: Unit 9

1. Present perfect + for or since

1.1. Use the present perfect + for or since to talk about actions and states which started in the past and are still true now.

1.1.1. For or since? Use for + a period of time, e.g. for two weeks, for ten years... Use since with the beginning of a period of time, e.g. since 1980

2. Second conditional: if + past, would /wouldn´t

2.1. Use if + past to talk about an imaginary or hypothetical future situation and would or wouldn´t + verb to talk about the consequence.

2.1.1. Be in second conditionals: you can use were (instead of was) after I / He / She/ It

3. Present perfect or past simple

3.1. Use the past simple to talk about a finished period of time in the past. Use the present perfect to talk about a period of time from the past until now.

4. Phobias

5. Biographies

6. Animals

7. Vocabulary