Groups vs Teams

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Groups vs Teams por Mind Map: Groups vs Teams

1. Groups: collection of people performing as individuals.

1.1. formal group: to accomplish specific goals

1.2. Informal group: created for friendship only

2. Teams: collection of people with common commitment.

2.1. Types of teams

2.1.1. continuous improvement team: to discuss workplace and quality related problem

2.1.2. cross-functional team: composed from different departments

2.1.3. problem-solving team: to solve specific problem then disband

2.1.4. self-managed team: doing their own day to day supervision

2.1.5. top_management team: consists of CEO, Presidents, and top department heads

2.1.6. virtual team: interact by computer network

2.1.7. work team advice team production team project team action team

3. Workers with own administrative oversight