Properties of Matter; Liquids and solids

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Properties of Matter; Liquids and solids por Mind Map: Properties of Matter; Liquids and solids

1. Properties of Matter; Liquids.

2. Alcohol and water. Do they mix?

3. The alcohol will be dyed blue and will see initial separation of the water/etoh mixture.

3.1. Initial demo mixing a test tube with same volumes of ethyl alcohol and water to over flowing and capped off so no air is incorporated in the tube.

4. The tube is inverted for a couple of minutes and mixes with the water and the whole tube turns blue showing the alcohol has interspersed with the water.

5. But a bubble begins to form in the sealed previously overflowing tube. What is the phenomena going on here?

5.1. What is the bubble? We started with even volumes of liquid and now have less? Is the bubble a vacuum?

6. What do we know about the structures of the alcohol and water for this phenomena to occur?

7. Show a dry solids example of what is going on in the liquid form using sand and pebbles of even volumes.