Broad Topic 3: Capstone Projects at the Secondary Level

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Broad Topic 3: Capstone Projects at the Secondary Level por Mind Map: Broad Topic 3: Capstone Projects at the Secondary Level

1. Idea Concerning Topic: Teacher training for Capstone.

1.1. Possible Problem: Teacher's don't have experience with Capstone

1.1.1. Problem Refined: Difficult for teachers to assess Capstone without experience with Capstone

1.1.2. Problem Refined:

1.2. Possible Problem: Teacher's are fearful Capstone will be additional work.

1.2.1. Problem Refined: Teacher workload already high

1.2.2. Problem Refined: Reassignment of classes/duties to accommodate Capstone

1.3. Possible Problem: Teacher training for Capstone will not be equal/standardized.

1.3.1. Problem Refined: training sessions/experiences need to be provided by district

1.3.2. Problem Refined:

2. Idea Concerning Topic: Assessment of Capstone

2.1. Possible Problem: Assessing various projects problematic

2.1.1. Problem Refined: rubrics difficult to make due to variation in topic

2.1.2. Problem Refined:

2.2. Possible Problem: Scoring of Capstone may differ between teachers

2.2.1. Problem Refined: difficult to calibrate entire project (not like calibrating a test question or test)

2.2.2. Problem Refined:

2.3. Possible Problem: How can scoring account for variable abilities of students

2.3.1. Problem Refined: different levels of rubric difficult to make.

2.3.2. Problem Refined: difficult for teacher to vary expectations.

3. Idea Concerning Topic: Organization of Program

3.1. Possible Problem: Number of students participating variable

3.1.1. Problem Refined: may not have enough teachers for desired Capstone

3.1.2. Problem Refined:

3.2. Possible Problem: Expertise will vary among Capstone teachers

3.2.1. Problem Refined: Teachers may be difficult to replace

3.2.2. Problem Refined:

3.3. Possible Problem:

3.3.1. Problem Refined:

3.3.2. Problem Refined:

4. Idea Concerning Topic: Effect of Capstone project on attitudes toward learning.

4.1. Possible Problem: Student learning isn't connected to "real-world" problem

4.1.1. Problem Refined: student learning follows a predetermined curriculum.

4.2. Possible Problem: Student learning isn't personal

4.2.1. Problem Refined: Students are not allowed to investigate answers to their own questions.

4.3. Possible Problem: All student learning is "required"

4.3.1. Problem Refined: Students have no autonomy as far as what they will learn.