Course Goals ENGL 307

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Course Goals ENGL 307 por Mind Map: Course Goals ENGL 307

1. Create, examine, critique, and evaluate presentations

1.1. My Goal: Provide constructive criticism through positive interaction, that enables others to do better in the future

2. Participate and collaborate with others, including providing and receiving positive feedback

2.1. My Goal: Create a respectful and appropriate communication with others to facilitate collaboration

3. Reflect on how student is able to develop as a writer and making use of previous experiences to thrive in new contexts

3.1. My Goal: Reflect on writing strengths, weakness, and processes to improve writing abilities

4. Identify rhetoric in business writing scenarios to write appropriately for different audiences.

4.1. My Goal: Be able to identify and satisfy the needs of different audiences

5. Use different strategies to facilitate processing information, drafting, editing, and collaborating.

5.1. My Goal: Find strategies that work better for me and use them to become a skilled writer.

6. Use various resources to obtain, process, and utilize primary and secondary data and sources.

6.1. My Goal: Know where to obtain different sources and when primary data is preferred over secondary data.

7. Analyze how genre structure and writing components vary. Devise a genre using common formats and designs.

7.1. My Goal: Become familiar with each genre and when each is an appropriate means of communication

8. Critique and manage essential ethical responsibilities in different contexts, genres, and communication environments.

8.1. My Goal: Complete my responsibilities while remaining professional at all times