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Macbeth por Mind Map: Macbeth

1. Genre

1.1. Tragedy

2. Movie Adaptation

2.1. 2015 - Starring Michael Fassbender, Marion Collitard

3. Author

3.1. William Shakespeare

4. Main Characters

4.1. Macbeth

4.1.1. Lady Macbeth

4.2. Duncan

4.2.1. Macolm Donalbain

4.3. Banquo

4.3.1. Fleance

4.4. Macduff

4.4.1. Lady Macduff

4.5. Hecate

4.5.1. Witch 1 Witch 2 Witch 3

5. Plot

5.1. Macbeth meets three witches after battle, who prophesy he will be future King. After killing Duncan, Macbeth stops at nothing to maintain his new title of King, as he and his wife spiral through the play, both of their mental states deteriorate due to the bloody events they caused

6. Setting

6.1. Macbeth's castle at Dunsinane