Rapid Design Workshop

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Rapid Design Workshop por Mind Map: Rapid Design Workshop

1. Outcomes

1.1. Purpose

1.2. Benefits / outcomes

1.3. Assumptions / Constraints

1.4. Guiding Principles

1.5. Instructional Strategies / Delivery Methods / Constraints

1.6. Topics / Learning Objectives

1.7. Program outline

1.8. Pre-reqs

1.9. Audience

1.10. Activities

1.11. Knowledge checks

1.12. Materials/equp

1.13. Sources of information

1.14. Evaluation Strategy / Approach

1.15. Templates / Standards

1.16. LMS Integration

2. Input (from Define workshop)

2.1. Guiding principles / instruct strat / Constraints

2.2. Assumptions / Constraints

2.3. Benefits / outcomes

2.4. Topics / Behaviors

2.5. Audience

2.6. Critical / complex / heatmap

2.7. High Level Curriculum

3. Design Workshop Flow

3.1. Pre-work

3.1.1. Review DEFINE output?

3.2. Module 1

3.2.1. Introductions

3.2.2. Overview

3.2.3. What are your best learning experiences? (to drive at what makes good training design / vision) OR what do we know about this audience? What will make learning stick for this group? Dispel some myths

3.3. Overview-type Topics

3.3.1. Overview topics

3.3.2. Topic flow

3.3.3. What is the reaction / experience / feeling?

3.4. Do Topic(s) - Repeat as necessary

3.4.1. Topic 1 introduction Refine the behaviors

3.4.2. Situations for this topic / behavior (not outcome level, but more granular) Context Challenges Success / failure Process / learning flow

3.4.3. What do they need to KNOW to do this activity?

3.4.4. What do they need to support this activity after this session? (performance support)

3.4.5. What is the reaction / experience / feeling we want our learners to have after this?

3.5. Wrap-up - Bring it all together

3.5.1. Review all topics / flow

3.5.2. How do we blend / combine these together?

3.5.3. Refinement of the original strategy / curr.