English as a world language

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English as a world language por Mind Map: English as a world language

1. translation

1.1. is costly and time-consuming business

2. countries

2.1. misundarstanding

2.2. problems on pronunciation

2.3. official laanguage

2.3.1. 44

3. Guidelines

3.1. Anything goes!

3.2. No criticism or flaming allowed

3.3. The Wilder The Better

3.4. Quantity is Quality

3.5. Set a Time Limit

4. english

4.1. the most emulated

4.2. the most studied

5. words known almost internationally

5.1. passport

5.2. jeans

5.3. emogi

5.4. coke

5.5. soda

5.6. ok

6. it has affected

6.1. syntaxt of the languages

7. France

7.1. engaged in a war against anglo-saxons

8. Japan

8.1. has many words taken from English

9. Languages created

9.1. esperanto

9.2. volapuk

9.3. anglic

9.4. seaspeak

10. Teaching

10.1. is worth

10.1.1. e billion a year globally

10.1.2. stimated to be Britain's sixth- largest source of invisible earnings

10.1.3. e 500 million a year

11. natives

11.1. between 300 million and 400 million

11.2. sometimes it's complicated because of the creole