HBO Manager of Post Production

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HBO Manager of Post Production por Mind Map: HBO Manager of Post Production

1. Targert Audience

1.1. Director of Post Production

1.2. End Viewers

1.2.1. The people who view the shows we produce are the most important and keeping them happy and entertained will ensure the business is doing it's job.

1.3. Production Team Members

2. What I have to offer

2.1. Communication

2.1.1. I have excellent written and verbal communication skills that will allow me to communicate with my superiors as well as the team I manage.

2.2. Knowledge

2.2.1. I have years of experience of working with sound editing equipment and software programs including Final Cut Pro 7, Avid Media Composer and Lightworks

2.3. Experience

2.3.1. Will have graduated with a Bachelors degree in Recording Arts from Full Sail University. Mastered a variety of courses such as Audio Post Production, Vocal Production, and Session Recordings. I also worked as a Student Audio Visual Technician for live and recorded events while studying at the University of Wyoming.

2.4. Passion

2.4.1. I have always had a passion for the entertainment industry and all the amazing things it has to offer. The ideas of what you can do in the entertainment industry are limitless and that's what I find to be so great about it.

2.5. Reliability

2.5.1. I am dedicated to my work and produce great work in a timely manner.

3. True Message

3.1. Create something bigger than myself

3.1.1. ever since I was a boy I have loved stories and what they can achieve to unite people across the world.

3.2. Love for movies and shows

3.2.1. I fell in love with what J.J Abrams calls "the mystery box" which is essentially the anticipation involved every time you are about to watch another movie. This is what keeps myself and everyone else begging for more and why we do what we do.

3.3. Being behind the scenes

3.3.1. As a child I liked to do things not necessarily for recognition but so that people would enjoy them. I have always enjoyed being the person behind the scenes of projects and seeing the dedication it takes to make a film/show great.

4. Purpose

4.1. produce a quality product for viewership

4.2. Help the directors,producers, and editors tell their stories

4.3. To add post production value to the show

4.4. Continue to expand my skill set

4.5. Ensure a product that not only I love but millions of people can enjoy as well.