Positive , productive learning environemtns

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Positive , productive learning environemtns por Mind Map: Positive , productive learning environemtns

1. Ensuring safety

1.1. Physical safety

1.1.1. Teachers should ensure there are no perceived or actual threats

1.2. Emotional safety

1.2.1. Teachers should ensure that students are comfortable during school and class

1.3. Academic safety

1.3.1. "Ensuring success for all students"

2. Preventing Classroom problems

2.1. "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure"

2.2. Be present while teaching

2.3. Rules

2.3.1. Define what is and is not acceptable in the classroom

2.3.2. Take a positive approach

2.3.3. Teach responsibility

3. Interventions

3.1. Unobtrusive Intervention

3.1.1. Serves as a form of prevention

3.2. Concequences

3.2.1. A definition of what will happen if rules are broken

3.2.2. Get parents involved if you feel it can help

3.2.3. Use administrative assistance for unique scnearios

4. Components

4.1. Interpersonal climate

4.2. Worth and dignity assured

4.3. Approximating democract

4.4. Redemption is always close, not closed

5. Community

5.1. A place where each person (student and teacher) feel connected with the content and each other

5.2. How to build

5.2.1. Show students you are glad to see them

5.2.2. Show students we trust and respect them

5.2.3. Displaying informality

5.2.4. Spending time with students even when we don't have to

5.2.5. Asking about student lives outside of school

5.2.6. Finding something appealing about each student

5.3. Connecting with students

5.3.1. Greet your students

5.3.2. Learn names quickly