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Hydrologic Cycle por Mind Map: Hydrologic  Cycle

1. Precipitation(น้ำจากอากาศ)

1.1. is water that falls to the earth. Most precipitation falls as rain but includes snow, sleet, drizzle, and hail.

2. Runoff

2.1. is the river, lake, and stream transport of water to the oceans.

2.1.1. Surface runoff

2.1.2. Interflow

2.1.3. Groundwater

2.1.4. Direct precipitation

3. Infiltration/Percolation(การซึมผ่านผิวดิน)

3.1. is the movement of water into the ground from the surface.

4. Deposition

4.1. is the reverse of sublimation. Water vapor (a gas) changes into ice (a solid) without going through the liquid phase.

5. Evaporation(การระเหย)

5.1. is the change of state of water (a liquid) to water vapor (a gas).

6. Sublimation

6.1. is the process where ice and snow (a solid) changes into water vapor (a gas) without moving through the liquid phase.

7. Condensation(การควบแน่น)

7.1. is the process where water back into a water droplets (a liquid). This is when we begin to see clouds.