Types of businesses

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Types of businesses por Mind Map: Types of businesses

1. partnership

1.1. a form of business operation shared between two people who share management and profits. There are two types of partnerships recognised; general and limited partnerships.

2. cooperation

2.1. An organisation run by a group of members who collect equal profits.

3. sole trader

3.1. a business run and managed by an individual who makes decisions for direction of the business.

4. company

5. legal structure

6. private

6.1. a company with private ownership, private companies may have shareholders but are not listed on the stock exchange.

7. public

7.1. a company whose ownership is dispersed through the public from shares bought on the stock exchange.

8. stages of production

9. primary

10. secondary

11. tertiary

12. sizes

13. micro

13.1. A business that operates on a very small scale, usually run by an individual with no more then 4 employers before it becomes a small business

14. small

14.1. According to the Australian taxation office a small business is defined as one that generates a revenue less then $2 million annually. an example is a small bakery that employs around 10 people

15. medium

15.1. a medium business employing less than 250 people and generating a revenue

16. large

16.1. A business or enterprise on a large scale,