Special Economic Zones

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Special Economic Zones por Mind Map: Special Economic Zones

1. What are they

1.1. Special areas of specific economic production that produce certain things.

1.2. These areas are of high economic developement.

1.3. Promote foreign investment.

1.4. Increased employment.

2. Perspectives

2.1. Shankar Gopalakrishnan

2.1.1. Much of the money doesn't benefit the areas in and around the special economic zones. For example, in 1995 96% of the Shenzhen textile industry was reliant on financial investment from Hong Kong.

2.2. Stephen King

2.2.1. SEZ's provide a connection between china and the rest of the world by providing opportunities for foreign investment.

3. Hainan

4. Zhuhai

5. Shenzhen

6. Shantou

7. Xiamen

8. Pudong

9. Biuhai