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Math por Mind Map: Math

1. Tests/Quizzes

1.1. Chapter1

1.2. Chapter2

1.3. Chapter3

1.4. Chapter4

1.5. Chapter5

1.6. Chapter6

1.7. Chapter7

1.8. Chapter8

1.9. Chapter11

2. Project

2.1. Cell Phone

2.1.1. Changing decimal places

2.1.2. Comparing Percentages and Decimals

2.1.3. Miss Leading Graphs

2.2. House

2.2.1. Measurement

2.2.2. Calculating

2.2.3. Changing Units

2.2.4. Gluing/Cutting/Sticking/Coloring

2.2.5. Blue Print

2.2.6. Furnitures

2.2.7. Painting

3. Math Teacher

3.1. Ms. Abdelateef

3.1.1. Algebra

3.1.2. Pre-Algebra

3.1.3. Grade7 Math

3.2. Mr. Finney

4. Lessons

4.1. Passport To Mathematics

4.1.1. Chapter1

4.1.2. Chapter2

4.1.3. Chapter3

4.1.4. Chapter4

4.1.5. Chapter5

4.1.6. Chapter6

4.1.7. Chapter7

4.1.8. Chapter8

4.1.9. Chapter11