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Nicholas Jansen por Mind Map: Nicholas Jansen

1. Photography

1.1. Nature

1.2. People

1.3. Cell phone photography vs. DSLR

1.4. Photo filters (Emotion behind filters)

1.5. Famous photographers (Ansel Adams)

1.6. Marketing photography

1.7. Modeling

2. Psychology

2.1. Art therapy

2.1.1. Creating an art therapy program after college

2.2. Psycho-talk therapy

2.3. Work with teenagers

2.4. Mindfulness and yoga

2.4.1. Incorporating a before school yoga group

2.5. Individualizing psychology

2.6. Preventing teen suicide

2.6.1. Tackling cyber-bullying

2.6.2. Why are so many teens in America depressed?

3. Technology

3.1. Social media marketing

3.1.1. Facebook Ads Being your own brand Setting up a brand on Twitter

3.2. Bringing people together (Harvey, Holocaust survivors)

3.3. Technology as an isolator

3.4. Reaching mass audiences on YouTube

4. Philosophy

4.1. Origin of the world (Religion vs. scientific views)

4.1.1. Creationist

4.1.2. Evolutionist

4.1.3. "Big Bang Theory"

4.1.4. "Gaia Hypothesis"

4.2. The human race as one organism

4.3. The connections between apes and people