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D.E.C.I.D.E por Mind Map: D.E.C.I.D.E

1. Define the problem

1.1. You borrow someone’s device (Smart Phone, Laptop etc) from a friend and accidentally break it.

2. Explore the Alternatives

2.1. A-You can confront them to your parents

2.1.1. B-You can force them to pay for the repair.( If they are rude and wait along time, they are not the right friend. C-Pay for it yourself

3. Consider the Consequences

3.1. A- Positive: You can fix the problem faster and safer without getting into more trouble

3.1.1. B- Negative They might not pay for it

4. Identify Your Values

4.1. A- There parents might not believe that they did anything wrong

4.1.1. B- They might not have empathy for you and not pay for it

5. Decide and Act

5.1. I think the best way to do it is make them pay for it and tell their parents because they need to learn by paying, and getting in trouble from their parents

6. Evaluate the Results

6.1. In the end I think it was a good Idea because, it makes you learn and the person who broke your phone