Define the Problem: the problem that I chose was what should you do if someone asks you to do som...

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Define the Problem: the problem that I chose was what should you do if someone asks you to do something you are afraid of during CWW or PE class. I think that certainly in some cases this would warrant using DECIDE, if you are scared enough of the thing you have to do. por Mind Map: Define the Problem: the problem that I chose was what should you do if someone asks you to do something you are afraid of during CWW or PE class. I think that certainly in some cases this would warrant using DECIDE, if you are scared enough of the thing you have to do.

1. Explore the Alternatives: there are some possible choices here: 1. Do whatever you have been asked to do 2. Refuse to do it

2. Consider the Consequences: 1. You obviously would have to do the thing that you didn't want to do, but aside from that and maybe getting injured, this is by far the most straightforward option. Your peers won't look at you any differently, and you can get over your fears and just do it. 2. Refusing to do it would let you get out of doing the thing, which is good. However, assuming you are surrounded by other people, there will a few people that will tease you about it.

3. Identify your Values: It really depends on two things; how scared you are and how important your image or reputation to other people is. If you aren't really scared and how people see you is super important to you, you should probably do it. If you are terrified and you don't care at all how people see you, then don't do it.

4. Decide and Act: Here, the only tip is to go 100% into whatever you decided to do. If you're going to do the thing, then don't do it half-heartedly.

5. Evaluate: Here, you have to think about what your decision brings to you. Firstly, you might have just gotten over your fear. If so, then it was a good decision! Maybe this decision can set a p