Track your time

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Track your time por Mind Map: Track your time

1. What does ECTS means?

1.1. European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System - Wikipedia

1.2. "volume of learning [...] and their associated workload"

1.3. Workload

1.3.1. Academic year is 60 ECTS

1.3.2. 1 ECTS = 25 hours

1.3.3. 60 ECTS * 25h/ECTS = 1.500h per academic year

1.3.4. 30 ECTS * 25h/ECTS = 750h per semester

1.3.5. A typical course in the UAH is 6 ECTS, 6 * 25 = 150 hours 60h classroom 60h / 15 week per semester = 4h/week 90h personal work 60h / 15 week per semester = 4h/week during the teaching period 30h out of the teaching period

1.3.6. Assuming 5 courses of 6 ETC each, and a 40h/week workload you will spend 20h/week in personal work 20h/week in classes and laboratories

2. Our timing model in toggl

2.1. Client

2.1.1. Who pays me for this?

2.1.2. I would say "UAH"

2.2. Projects

2.2.1. What are the individual goals for the client?

2.2.2. I would say "each of the courses"

2.3. Time entries

2.3.1. What are the activities I am doing today to fulfill one of the goals of the client?

2.3.2. I would say ... Theory class about Memory Management Part 1 of the practice 3 Personal study of Memory Management chapter

3. We will be using toggl

3.1. Toggl - Free Time Tracking Software

3.1.1. Register with your account

3.2. But there are many others

4. What kind of time are we going to track?

4.1. Indirect

4.2. Direct

5. Reporting