Carley's Book & Film Reviews

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Carley's Book & Film Reviews por Mind Map: Carley's Book & Film Reviews

1. Home

1.1. This website is dedicated to reviewing all the great books & films i have read and seen over the years

1.1.1. I will include the logo of my site on all pages

2. About

2.1. The about page will feature details about the website creator and some favorite books and films

2.1.1. I will also include some graphics of either movie posters or book covers

3. Contact

3.1. Basic contact info of the website creator so readers are able to reach out with questions or concerns

3.1.1. I will also create a link that will allow users to donate to the website

4. What we Offer

4.1. The about page will give users a recap about the site and reiterate the book and film reviews

4.1.1. I will add in a video clip or trailer of a featured movie of my choosing