Islam by Will Kristalyn

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Islam by Will Kristalyn por Mind Map: Islam by Will Kristalyn

1. Origins and Founder

1.1. Muhammand

1.2. Started in Mecca, Saudi Arabia

2. Core Beliefs

2.1. Islamic Artifacts

2.2. Six Articles of Faith

2.2.1. 1.) Belief in one God

2.2.2. 2.) Belief in Angels

2.2.3. 3.) Belief in Prophets of God

2.2.4. 4.) Belief in Revealed Books of God

2.2.5. 5.) Belief in Day of Judgement

2.2.6. 6.) Belief in Destiny and Divine Decree

2.3. Islamic Art

3. Political and Social Impact

3.1. Islamic terrorists are obviously a major social and political influence.

3.2. Great political influence in Middle Eastern countries. Some countries such as Egypt and Jordon believe that the Nations laws should strictly follow the Koran.

4. Video explaining the basics of ‪ ISLAM‬ in only 5 min

5. Sacred Texts

5.1. The Koran (Quran)

5.2. Hadith

5.2.1. Codes of How to live

6. Where did it spread and why

6.1. Where Islam Spread

6.2. Islam was spread through two means. Trade and Conquest. Slaves were converted and when Islamic people settled somewhere they spread there religion.