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Web Site Development por Mind Map: Web Site Development

1. Color Palette

1.1. It is the control center to the color of the system. Each different system could have their own color seeing with different color palette.

2. Browser Compatibility and Restrictions

2.1. Web information could run differently on different Web browsers. It is the tool for running the web page.

2.2. Plug-ins

2.2.1. small computer code that could extend information other than just the HTML.

3. Font Availability

3.1. Different font could means different style to the letters. There could be a font that is available in single computer other than others.

4. Mike Shao, Steve Peng, and Kevin Tang

5. Bandwidth Contraints

5.1. One of the most important development to the Web site. It is the sum of data that could be travel between two computer.

6. Screen Resolution

6.1. It is the measurement of the clearness to the screen, to count the pixels (dots) that the screen could be set.

7. Font size

7.1. It allowed use to customize the size of the font in different Web site.