The Jack the ripper case

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The Jack the ripper case por Mind Map: The Jack the ripper case

1. International media sensation

1.1. His story followed in real time

1.2. cheap easily available newspapers

1.3. murders and the ongoing manhunt

2. Police investigated

2.1. buchers

2.2. slaughterers

2.3. doctors

2.4. surgeons

3. Identity will never be known

3.1. The metropolitan Police

3.1.1. Interviewed more than 2000 people

3.1.2. investigated 300 suspects

3.1.3. detained 80 men

4. a letter

4.1. 1 October 1888

4.2. A number of horrible murders

4.3. The writer claimed he was the killer

4.4. the police would never be able to catch him

5. Unsolved crimes

5.1. first victims died by his knife

5.2. Whitechapel

5.2.1. 1880 Londen's East end

5.2.2. dangerous place poor people slum housing prostitution and crime alcholism

5.3. 11 women were murdered

5.3.1. April 1888 and February 1889

5.3.2. All prostitutes

5.3.3. the throats were deeply slashed

5.3.4. took place at a weekend/ early hours

5.3.5. no effort to hide his victims bodies

6. The fascination continues

6.1. guided walking tours

6.2. interactive technology providing

6.3. photographs of the victims' corpses

6.4. buildings frequented by his victims