Location List

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Location List por Mind Map: Location List

1. Valencia - Bioparc

1.1. This is the zoo that was in Valencia, I felt that this could be relevant since it gave a summery vibe

2. L'Oceanogràfic

2.1. This location is an aquarium. I thought that this would be a good place for filming since the fish would give off an underwater/summer feel

3. Gatwick Airport to Valencia Airport

3.1. This location was good in order for filming since it clearly showed that our artist was going abroad and shows an obvious transition to the audience

4. Playa de la Malvarrosa

4.1. This was the beach in Valencia, this was a crucial role when filming since this is the location that we mainly invisioned

5. Mercado Central

5.1. This was the town center in Valencia, although this location didn't show much of a summery scene, I decided to film this since it could show the business

6. City of Arts and Sciences

6.1. Here, there were multiple nice shots that I could take such as shots of palm trees