When did the company Adidas start doing soccer shoes

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When did the company Adidas start doing soccer shoes por Mind Map: When did the company  Adidas start doing soccer  shoes

1. question #4 : When was the fist day that they used an Adidas soccer shoe ?

2. answer #4 :The first soccer shoe was use in 1954 by the German.

3. question #5 :What do i think about their soccer shoes.?

4. answer #5 : What i think of the soccer shoes are that they design them really cool or nice looking.

5. question #6: what do others may think about them?

6. answer #6 : most boys or men think that they look good because they play more than the lady"s a small portion of woman would like them .

7. question #1: when did they start doing the soccer shoes?

8. answer #1: The first Adidas soccer shoe was made in 1925 by a person named Adi Dassler

9. question #2 :When did they start the company Adidas?

10. answer #2 : The Adidas company was foundered in in August 18,1949 in Herzogenaurach ,Germany

11. question # 3 : What does Adidas stand for?

12. answer #3 : Adidas stand for Adi dassler he just took the first 3 letters of his last name and put it together whit is first name