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Finnair por Mind Map: Finnair

1. LinkedIn

1.1. Status update

1.2. Groups

1.3. Recruiting

1.4. Publishing

2. Twitter

2.1. Company profile

2.2. Tweeting / Retweeting

2.3. Recruiting

2.4. Information share

3. Facebook

3.1. Photos

3.2. Call to action button

3.3. Information

3.4. Timing

3.5. Targeting tools

3.6. Timeline

3.7. Active participation

3.7.1. Showcase-pages

3.8. Profile

4. Youtube

4.1. Content

4.2. Streaming

4.3. Events

4.4. Playlist

5. Snapchat (not used yet)

5.1. Data collect

5.2. Humanizing the brand

5.3. Making funny things and buzz

5.3.1. Being liked by people

5.4. Targeted marketing (discount codes)