Mind mapping and it's learning applications

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Mind mapping and it's learning applications por Mind Map: Mind mapping and it's learning applications

1. Mind mapping illustrates content connections

1.1. In ELA, it could be used to map out the various uses and contexts for punctuation

1.1.1. The students will read about the various punctuation marks.

1.1.2. The students will participate in a group activity at the smart board demonstrating proper use of punctuation marks

1.1.3. The students will demonstrate their understanding through the creation of a mind map that illustrates the hierarchy and contexts where punctuation marks can be used.

1.2. In Social Studies, mind maps can be used to map out various arguments relating to a topic issue

1.2.1. The students will read about globalization and its associated positions

1.2.2. The students will debate their opinion using the reading as support

1.2.3. The students will demonstrate an understanding of Globalization through the illustration of a mind map. Connecting arguments to positions. I.e. Pro-Globalization In a globalized economy, goods are produced more efficiently. Reducing costs for consumers. In a globalized world, ideas circulate faster increasing the speed of innovation In a globalized world, people and goods circulate more easily. Refugees can seek asylum easier. Individuals have access to more of the worlds resources (mango's for example). I.e. Con-Globalization In a globalized economy countries compete with others to supply labor for production In a globalized world the hegemonic spread of dominant cultures threatens cultural diversity In a globalized economy countries are vulnerable to "dumping", "corporations threaten the environment", and "invasive species spread more easily."